Individual Leadership
Individual Leadership
Individual Leadership
Individual Leadership
Individual Leadership
If you’re wanting to develop yourself or individuals in your team, we offer a range of one on one services.
If you’re wanting to develop yourself or individuals in your team, we offer a range of one on one services.
If you’re wanting to develop yourself or individuals in your team, we offer a range of one on one services.

Jessie Feng
Professionally Certified Co-Active Leadership and Life Coach (CPCC)
Education and Training with the globally renowned Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
PCC Coaching Accreditation with International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Certified Team Performance Coach (CTPC)
Certified Hogan Assessor
Certified leadership Circle Assessor
Jessie Feng is one of the first coach trainers in China for The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) as front of the room leader, supervisor, CPL and examiner for internationally recognized, Co-Active coaching. She is deeply committed to working with teams and relationship systems. She is both a certified executive and certified team coach and has worked with executives and teams in a variety of industries including banking, automotive, marketing communications and IT. She brings new cutting-edge tools and coaching methodology from this emerging discipline to multinational corporations in China.
One Fact About Me
I also like to eat, sleep and doing some not much meaningful stuff whilst travelling to different places